EpiSearch. Recognising Ancient Inscriptions in Epigraphic Manuscripts

Par Federico Boschetti (University of Venice) et Tatiana Tommasi  (University of Venice) 

The project focuses on epigraphic codices as a proof of concept for putting digital tools at the test, thus defining new ways for the integration of large epigraphic collections. As a sample, we use the epigraphic manuscript composed by the learned ecclesiastical antiquarian Giovanni Antonio Astori (Venice, 1672-1743) and preserved in the Marciana National Library in Venice: Marc. lat. XIV, 200 (4336). In the first part of our talk, we analyse the life of the author and the characteristics of his manuscript. In the second part, we focus on the following tasks: a) evaluating the accuracy of eScriptorium on epigraphic manuscripts with training sets of different size, in order to estimate the best trade-off between the human effort to prepare the training sets and the human effort to correct the results; b) mapping legacy manual transcriptions on the manuscript facsimile; c) improving the layout analysis for epigraphic manuscripts.

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