The École Nationale des Chartes is administered by a director, assisted by aboard of directors and a scientific advisory board.
Ms Michelle Bubenicek has been Director since 1 September 2016.

Michelle Bubenicek © Cl. Didier Plowy
Born in 1971, Michelle Bubenicek joined the École nationale des chartes in 1990, graduating top of her class in 1994. After studying at the École Nationale du Patrimoine, specialising in archives (1994-1995), she began her career as a heritage curator in central administration, responsible for coordinating the conservation-restoration policy of archive documents at the Direction des Archives de France (1995-1999). In 1999, she was appointed lecturer in medieval history at the University of Franche-Comté. She was elected professor of medieval history at the same university in 2011 and headed the history department from 2011 to 2013.
The Board of Directors defines the École's policies and general operating rules. It decides on the following matters:
- The budget and its amendments
- The financial statements and appropriation of profits
- Property acquisitions, disposals and exchanges
- Loans and gifts
- The acquisition of financial interests and the creation of subsidiaries
It determines the categories of contracts and agreements which must be submitted to it for approval due to their nature or the financial amount involved. It votes on the École’s internal rules with an absolute majority of its members in office.
It comprises of:
Chairman: Mr Christophe Strassel
Vice-Chairman: Mr Bruno Ricard
Members by right
- Ms Françoise Banat-Berger, Director of the Service interministériel des Archives de France, ministère de la Culture (Interministerial Service of the Archives of France, French Ministry of Culture), or her representative
- Ms Anne-Sophie Barthez, Director General for Higher Education and Professional Integration, ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (Ministry of Higher Education and Research), or her representative
- Mr Nicolas Georges, Deputy director of the Direction générale des medias et des industries culturelles, en charge du Service du livre et de la lecture (Directorate-general for Media and Cultural industries, in charge of the Books and Reading Department, or his representative
- Ms Claire Giry , Director General of Research and Innovation, at the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation)
Appointed Members
By order of 24 November 2022 the Minister for Higher Education and Research:
- Ms Claire Barbillon, Director of the École du Louvre
- Mr Yves-Marie Bercé, member of the Institute, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres
- Mr Luc Forlivesi, General Curator, Heritage Inspector (Archives college)
- Ms Agnès Magnien, Inspector General of Cultural Affairs
- Ms Agnès Masson, Head of the Remembrance and Cultural Affairs Department of the Paris Préfecture de Police
- Mr Charles Personnaz, Director of the Institut National du Patrimoine (National Heritage Institute)
- Mr Bruno Ricard, Director of the Archives Nationales (National Archives)
- Mr Christophe Strassel, Senior Adviser at the Court of Auditors
- Mr Jean-Yves Tilliette, member of the Institute (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres)
By order of 21 February 2024 of the Minister for Higher Education and Research:
- Ms Christine Neau-Leduc, President of Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Members Elect
- Ms Camille Dégez-Selves, Director of the École nationale des chartes Library, representing other teaching and research staff
- Mr Julien Delord, BIATSS staff representative
- Mr Xavier Mariani, BIATSS staff representative
- Mr François Ploton-Nicollet, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes, representing the Directors of Studies
- Ms Fiona Morel, representing the students of the 1st college
- Mr Léo Collinet, representing students of the 2nd college
- Mr Édouard Vasseur, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes, representing the Directors of Studies
The Scientific Advisory Board decides on the teaching and research programme and allocates the teaching and research appropriations provided for in the budget. It delivers an opinion on draft research agreements with other French or foreign higher education institutions or research organisations. It exercises the powers attributed to the Assembly of Professors and the Board of Professors by article 1 of the decree of 22 April 1884 relating to vacant professorships at the École nationale des chartes.
It is chaired by the Director of the École and comprises:
Chairperson: Ms Michelle Bubenicek
Director of the École nationale des chartes
Members by right
- Ms Françoise Banat-Berger, Director of the Interministerial Service of the Archives de France
- Ms Anne-Sophie Barthez, Director General for Higher Education and Professional Integration, ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (Ministry of Higher Education and Research), or her representative
- Ms Laurence Engel, President of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, or her representative
- Ms Claire Giry, Director General of Research and Innovation, ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation)
- Mr Antoine Petit, President of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS – French national research centre), or his representative
- Mr Patrick Arabeyre, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Ms Christine Bénévent, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Frédéric Duval, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Christophe Gauthier, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Olivier Guyotjeannin, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Philippe Plagnieux, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr François Ploton-Nicollet, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Olivier Poncet, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Nathan Schlanger, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Marc Smith, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Gennaro Toscano, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Mr Édouard Vasseur, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
- Ms Katia Weidenfeld, Director of Studies at the École nationale des chartes
Appointed Members
By order of January 10, 2023 of the Minister of Higher Education and Research:
- Ms Marianne Bastid-Brugière, member of the Institute, Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (Academy of Moral and Political Sciences)
- Mr Nicole Bériou, member of the Institute, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
- Ms Hélène Blais, University Professor
- Mr François Bougard, University Professor
- Mr Éric de Chassey, Director General, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (National Institute of Art)
- Mr François Dolbeau, member of the Institute, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
- Mr Luc Forlivesi, General Curator, Heritage Inspector (Archives college)
- Mr Bertrand Joly, Professor emeritus
- Ms Isabelle Kalinowski, University Professor
- Ms Frédérique Lachaud,University Professor
- Mr Jean Marie-Moeglin, member of the Institute, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
- Mr Fabien Oppermann, Inspector General for Education, Sport and Research
- Mr Albert Rigaudière, member of the Institute, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres
- Mr Bruno Saunier, General Heritage Curator (Museums and Scientific, Technical and Natural Heritage College)
By order of 11 April 2023 of the Minister for Higher Education and Research:
- Ms Noëlle Balley, member of the Libraries, Documentation, Books and Public Reading College at the Inspection générale de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche (General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research)
Membres élus
- Mr Jean-Baptiste Camps, senior lecturer at the École nationale des chartes, representing teaching and research staff from college B
- Mr Léo Collinet, représentant des élèves du 2nd collège
Law no. 2019-828 of 6 August 2019 on the transformation of the civil service provides for the merging of technical committees (CT) and health, safety and working conditions committees (CHSCT) following the professional elections on 8 December 2022, within a new single body for dialogue called the Administration Social Committee (CSA) for state civil service.
The CSA must be consulted on:
- The operation and organisation of the departments;
- The accessibility and quality of services;
- Professional equality;
- Training;
- Working hours;
- The protection of the health, hygiene and safety of employees;
- The strategic orientations on human resources policies;
- Management guidelines (LDG) for transfers, mobility, internal promotion and grade advancement of employees
Organisation Chart
Management: secretariat @
Research Department: etudes @
- Continuing education: formation.continue @
General Services Department: dgs @
- Human Resources Department: rh @
- Financial Affairs Department: daf @
- IT Resource Centre: informatique @
- Heritage and Logistics Department: david.laigle @
- Communications Department: communication @
Research and International Relations Department: liste.drri @
- Digital Projects Mission
Publishing Department: publications @
Library: bibliotheque @
Accounting Agency: agence.comptable @
Centre Jean-Mabillon research team: cjm.direction @
Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (CTHS): secretariat.general @
Urfist de Paris: secretariat-urfist @
Organisation Chart of the École nationale des chartes - PSL
Founded in 1834 by François Guizot, Minister of Public Education, the Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (Committee for Historical and Scientific Work) is a unique institution in the French research landscape. It is attached to the École nationale des chartes - PSL, a member of the world-class university Paris Sciences et Lettres. The committee spearheads a network of more than 3,000 learned societies, interacting at its annual congress and through ambitious collaborative digital research projects. Bringing together scientists from prestigious institutions, local scholars and junior researchers, the committee plays a fundamental role in building and transmitting knowledge.
Urfist Paris
Urfist Paris (Regional training unit for scientific and technical information) is an organisation dedicated to developing skills in the use and management of scientific information in higher education and research. It is administratively attached to the École nationale des chartes – PSL.
Urfist is a member of a seven-unit network across the country, serving a multiacademic and multidisciplinary area. The unit’s activities focus on three areas: designing and delivering education, designing and producing teaching tools, and monitoring and research in its areas of expertise.
PSL University
On 27 June 2019, the École nationale des chartes became a component institution of the Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) following a vote by its Board of Directors. On 11 July 2017, the institution's Board of Directors approved the change from associate to member status.

Logo de l’Université PSL
The decree establishing the statutes of PSL University was published in the French Journal Officiel on 27 November 2022. PSL thus became the first experimental public institution created by the 2018 Order to complete its experimental period. The scientific, cultural and professional public establishment was constituted under the ‘Grand Établissement’ status
Condorcet Campus
The École is a founding member of the Condorcet campus (Cité des humanités et sciences sociales), which brings together ten institutions and organisations forming an international centre for research and training in the humanities and social sciences: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Institut National d'Études Démographiques, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Paris-III Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Université Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Université Paris Nanterre, Université Paris Nord.

Bâtiment de recherche Nord du Campus Condorcet où sont installés le CTHS, l’Urfist de Paris et le Centre Jean-Mabillon
The Condorcet Campus is a new research and research training infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences, equipped with all the facilities students and researchers need to succeed.
The CTHS and the Urfist, both institutes attached to the École, and the Centre Jean-Mabillon, research laboratory, are located on the Campus Condorcet (the Cité des humanités et sciences sociales), in the Nord research building at 14, cours des Humanités, Aubervilliers.
Espace Richelieu
Since moving in 2014 to 65, rue de Richelieu (one of the districts where the institution was first located), the École nationale des chartes - PSL has forged a special relationship with the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) and the Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), partners in the ‘Richelieu - bibliothèques, musées, galerie’ area.

Façade de la bibliothèque (site Richelieu) © Cl. Jean-Christophe Ballot
The renovation of the Richelieu ‘quadrilatère’, the BnF's historic birthplace, was an opportunity to create this new facility. It now houses the libraries of the École des chartes and INHA, as well as the BnF's specialist departments.
This move marked a new stage in the cultural and scientific development of the École des chartes and specifically for its library located at the heart of the site.
The three institutions seek to create a new forum for the promotion of research, with joint projects and partnerships, around the key areas defined at the Assises de la Recherche in 2018: the art market and interdisciplinary approaches to colour.
They also jointly organise the ‘Trésors de Richelieu’ lecture series and the ‘Histoire du quartier Richelieu’ research programme in collaboration with the Centre André Chastel and the Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art (DFK).