Research at the École nationale des chartes – PSL, in keeping with its teaching activities, looks at the written word from every angle: from ancient texts and documents to contemporary digital writing, including visual and audiovisual media and sources, to understand, preserve and disseminate these materials
Latest Events
The Centre Jean-Mabillon
The Centre Jean-Mabillon, the École’s research laboratory (EA 3624) is a leading and key contributor to French research. The Centre epitomizes the collective, interdisciplinary and international dimension of the historical and philological research activities the École teaches.

The Centre Jean-Mabillon has won several projects funded by the ERC and the ANR.
TORNE-H. Traitement d’objets par reconnaissance numérique en environnement humain / Henrot
Research project
SkyTaste. Les Skyblogs : un terrain d’analyse sensorielle, technologique et émotionnelle
Research project
The École’s research team at the Centre Jean-Mabillon (EA 3624) includes around a hundred researchers, forty doctoral students and an equal number of curators.
The ChartExplore engine supports searches in all the library's documentary resources: printed works, online journals and ebooks, databases, the HAL-ENC institutional portal, Calames-ENC, and the digital library (includingThENC@).
The École also produces a broad range of resources: theses, printed editions, digital applications and videos.
Calls for papers and applications
The École nationale des chartes - PSL regularly issues calls for papers and applications.