
Since 2016, the School has been committed to strengthening its cooperation with African countries, with a particular focus on archival science. 

The École Nationale des Chartes - PSL is partnering with Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (School of Librarians, Archivists, and Documentalists) and Senghor University in Alexandria to develop a series of initiatives to promote degree courses in archival science in Africa.

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Building an African Archives and Training Action Network (Réseau-AFAA)

To strengthen the capacity of archives and archivists to act and operate in Africa and to develop degree courses tailored to the needs of the public and private employment sector and research institutions, the École des Chartes is building up a network of partners from higher education establishments, heritage institutions and representatives of national and international associations. Based on training standards to be developed jointly and adapted to the professional and scientific challenges facing the field of archives in Africa today, this network is promoting initiatives in education (initial and continuing), research (supporting mobility, co-supervision of doctoral theses, etc.) and promotion (scientific events) to encourage pan-African exchanges and meetings on the core issue of archives.

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