Studying at the École
Erasmus Students
The École nationale des chartes - PSL is a signatory of the Erasmus 2021-2027 charter. Under this charter, the École can conclude mobility agreements with other signatory teaching institutions.
Guest Lecturers
The École nationale des chartes regularly invites foreign lecturers to participate in the courses it offers. Visiting professors are invited to prepare:
- 1 public lecture published on the École's website
- 2 courses
- 1 presentation at a doctoral seminar
International Relations Department: ri @
Past guest lecturers at the École
(Re)watch the guest lectures
International candidates for the Diploma of ‘Archiviste paléographe’
International students may apply for the degree of ‘Archiviste paléographe’ by one of two methods:
- Nationals of a European Union Member State or a State that is part of the European Economic Area may apply for the entrance exam (access to first and second year) and, if successful, will be awarded trainee civil servant status (see full details in the entrance exam section).
- All international students, regardless of nationality or European status, may apply at the École through the international selection process described here.
Students selected through the international selection process follow the same curriculum as successful candidates for the ‘Archiviste paléographe’ diploma (courses, internships, writing a dissertation, obtaining the diploma). They are appointed ‘élèves à titre étranger’ by ministerial decree, and graduates become ‘archivistes paléographes à titre étranger’.
The only difference with the laureates of the entrance exam lies in their administrative status. Selected international students are not eligible for civil servant trainee status or any of the benefits this status entails. As a result, they are not entitled to the corresponding remuneration.