The École Nationale des Chartes - PSL Foundation


Let's give the guardians of our written and cultural heritage the resources they need.

The École des Chartes - PSL Foundation's mission is to support and promote teaching and research at the École and partner institutions.


The Foundation's Inauguration

L’École nationale des chartes - PSL a inauguré sa fondation, sous l’égide de la Fondation PSL, le 25 janvier 2024.

Organisation and Governance

The École Nationale des Chartes - PSL Foundation is under the aegis of the PSL University Foundation.

Since 2010, the PSL University Foundation has been working to meet the major challenges of our time, such as healthcare, energy transition, artificial intelligence and global warming. Its purpose is to support and accompany the PSL University, of which the Ecole nationale des chartes - PSL is one of the thirteen component institutions, in its missions of research, education, innovation and the dissemination of knowledge. It promotes PSL University's attractiveness and national as well as international influence by mobilising its community and developing synergies with socio-economic players. The PSL Foundation contributes to developing a world-class university engaged in modernity and provides a breeding ground for expertise and future talent.

The PSL University Foundation

The Board of the École Nationale des Chartes - PSL Foundation, sheltered foundation

The Board's main tasks are to approve the sheltered foundation's development strategy and ensure its implementation. It also adopts the general guidelines for the next few years, the annual action programme, and the foundation's budget.

Michelle Bubenicek, Chairwoman 

Michelle Bubenicek © Cl. Didier Plowy

© ENC - cl. Didier Plowy

Ex-officio Members :

  • Representative of the sheltering Foundation: Mr El Mouhoub Mouhoud, represented by Mr Cédric Denis-Rémis, Vice-President of PSL University in charge of Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Founder's representative and Chair of the Board: Mrs Michelle Bubenicek, Director of the École Nationale des Chartes 
  • Representative of the archivist paleographer student and alumni association 'Société de l'École des Chartes' (SEC): Mrs Marie-Françoise Limon-Bonnet, President of the SEC 
  • Representative of the Master's degree student and alumni association of École des Chartes (ADEMEC): Ms Doriane Hare, President of ADEMEC 

Qualified personalities :

  • M. Jean-François Balaudé, Inspector General for Higher Education and Research, former President of Paris-Nanterre University and Campus Condorcet
  • Mrs Marie-Anne Chabin, archivist palaeographer (1983)
  • Mrs Christine Macel, scientific advisor to the chairman- Museums of Decorative Arts
  • Mr Louis Gautier, Honorary Senior Advisor, Cour des Comptes (French court of auditors)

This foundation will give greater visibility to the dynamism of a school that is both two hundred years old and innovative. It will help to raise awareness of what the École Nationale des Chartes is today, an institution that has managed to preserve its areas of excellence while developing them to constantly adapt to the challenges of the times (...) Nowadays, objects studied at the École des Chartes are not exclusively ancient manuscripts, charters on parchment, seals, incunabula and rare books; they also include images on all media, natively digital writing, e-mail archives and even video games.

Michelle Bubenicek

The École Nationale des Chartes - PSL Foundation team

The Operational Team

Image décorative : portraits de Baptiste Bondu, délégué général des services, et d'Estelle Studer, responsable du mécénat

Baptiste Bondu, délégué général des services, et Estelle Studer, responsable du mécénat

Vision, Mission, Values


Through its foundation, the École Nationale des Chartes - PSL, aims to be a key player in education and research in the fields of history and written and cultural heritage in France and internationally. By innovatively combining traditional historical research methods with digital tools and artificial intelligence, we aspiring to offer a global and enriched understanding of the past and present.


The École Nationale des Chartes - PSL Foundation is committed to supporting advanced research in the fields of history, the sciences of writing, archivistics, the history of books and images and digital technologies applied to these disciplines. It encourages interdisciplinary and international collaboration with researchers, institutions and experts in digital technologies to promote access to historical sources and respond to contemporary challenges in understanding and preserving today's heritage—whether written or digital—thereby fostering a better understanding of our society's past.

The foundation also supports its students and works to train high-level heritage researchers and professionals. It raises public awareness of the importance of preserving cultural and historical heritage.


  • Excellence—For over 200 years, we have striven for excellence in all our education, research, and dissemination activities in the fields of history and cultural heritage.
  • Neutrality—Working as closely as possible to historical sources, we are committed to maintaining the integrity and authenticity of historical data without bias.
  • Partnerships—We encourage collaboration between researchers, historians, conservation professionals, and experts in digital techniques and artificial intelligence to work in innovative and interdisciplinary ways and achieve more together.
  • Innovation—We encourage innovation, constantly seeking new approaches to meet the sector's current challenges and examining digital solutions in a prudent and eco-responsible manner.
  • Educational opportunities—We aim to offer high-quality education to all students, regardless of their social or regional background.
  • Openness—We are open to Europe and the world; the notion of ‘shared heritage’ is one of the fundamental principles of our training and research activities.
View of the Rotonde Henri-Jean Martin, some students at work

Henri-Jean Martin Rotunda © Cl. Jean-Christophe Ballot

The Foundation's areas of focus 

Focus 1: Help promote social and international openness and equal opportunities

This will involve funding scholarships for trainees and master's and doctoral students recruited through the international selection process, but also based on social criteria, and global mobility scholarships. 

The grants are also intended to support the participants in the training activities of the Africa Archives programme, which is part of the new UNESCO Chair ‘Les Archives au service des Nations et des Sociétés africaines’ (Archives in the Service of African Nations and Societies). 

Focus 2. Contribute to research and innovation in the humanities and social sciences

The School wishes to create awards, doctoral scholarships and chairs on innovative themes and initiate or develop research programmes as part of a partnership approach such as the ‘Quartier Richelieu’ heritage enhancement project or the ‘web archives and new digital heritage objects’ project.

Focus 3. Help promote the School's library treasures and collections

The library wishes to acquire new volumes and restore those in need of restoration to meet all its educational needs by offering books representative of five centuries of European book history. In addition, an ambitious digital library programme is planned to expand access to the heritage and scientific collections as widely as possible beyond the School's own readers. 

Elèves archivistes

Why support us?

Find out how your support can help promote history and preserve heritage using the most advanced historical methods and digital technologies, opening up new perspectives for the exploration and transmission of the past.

You support students with difficulties, you promote and safeguard the written and cultural heritage or you contribute to research projects and innovation that provide answers to contemporary human and social science issues. Whatever your level of commitment, you contribute to the general interest of our society.

Thanks to our insitute's reputation and cutting-edge projects, you will enhance your brand image and communication with your stakeholders. You will convey the values of solidarity, sharing, transmission and French excellence.

You bring meaning to your employees’ daily work and your customers’ purchasing decisions.

Thanks to our collaborative projects with researchers and international institutions and our support for developing countries, you can consolidate your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach both locally and globally

How can you support us?

Together, we can build a project that meets your and our needs. 

In addition to the projects you choose, various forms of support are available to you:

  • Financial contribution with a cash donation, bequest or life insurance donation to help finance scholarships, finance or co-finance a research chair project, book acquisition or restoration.
  • In-kind contribution (a good or a service), such as equipment for our researchers and students or donation of a valuable book, or putting your employee's skills and talents at our disposal 
  • Relay our actions and communication.

Taxation: the foundation is authorised to issue tax receipts in France  (For Europe and USA, please contact us, we can offer solutions)

Under Articles 200 and 238 bis of the General French Tax Code, your donation entitles you to a tax reduction.

As a private individual, you can claim a reduction in your income tax equal to 66% of your donation amount, up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.
If you are liable for the Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI-property wealth tax), you will benefit from a reduction in your IFI equal to 75% of the donation amount, up to a limit of €50,000.

Companies can benefit from a tax reduction equal to 60% of the amount of their donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of their annual turnover excluding tax or the €20,000 ceiling.

The excess can be carried forward to the next 5 years if the ceiling is exceeded.

For example, a donation of €10,000, after a 60% tax reduction, will only cost €4,000 in real terms.

For companies donating more than €2 million a year, the tax exemption for the top bracket is 40%.

Please note: in-kind donation are also tax-exempt.

How to donate?

  • By credit card, click on the button below to make an online donation (up to €2,000) and you will automatically receive a tax receipt.
  • by bank transfer, contact us and we will send you our bank details
  • by cheque made payable to the ‘Fondation de l'Ecole nationale des chartes - PSL’ to the following address:

    Fondation ENC-PSL, 60 rue Mazarine, 75006 Paris



If you have any projects or questions, please do not hesitate to contact :

Estelle Studer  06 03 31 73 25

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